Для вїзду в Ісландію потрібно:
Або повна вакцинація
Підтвердження що ви перехворіли в минулому.
Цим підтвердженням може бути:
- Positive PCR-test (RT-PCR) results for SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 that is older than 14 days.
A certificate of previous COVID-19 infection is required to include the following details: Certificates that fulfill the criteria are accepted from all countries and may be in paper or electronic format including the European digital COVID certificate (EU DCC) are valid (as per Regulation No. 777/2021 on EU Regulation 2021/953 Opnast í nýjum glugga).
1 - The certificate should be in Icelandic, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish or English. A document in another language can be valid if the original document is accompanied by a certified stamped translation in one of the languages required.
2 - First name and last name (as in travel documents).
3 - Date of birth.
4 - When test was performed (date).
5 - Where test was performed (country/city/address).
6 - Name of laboratory/issuer of certificate.
7 - Date of certifcate.
8 - Phone number of laboratory or responsible authority (or at least enough information, e.g. a website, to verify the results).
9 - Type of test performed (PCR-test or antibody test but not rapid tests).
10 - Result of test
також потрібно заповнити форму перед вїздом та здати НЕГАТИВНИЙ ПЛР тест за 72 год перед вильотом останнього рейсу в Рейкявік.